Frequently Asked Questions at the Lodge:

I am a new customer, how do I register or make a reservation?

As a new customer, you can first click here to register, then make a reservation by logging in here.

How do I get my dogs vaccine record to you?

When creating your account you can upload it then or you can email them to us at [email protected]

What are your hours?

We are open 365 days a year!

Mon - Fri 7:00 am - 7:00 pm

Sat- Sun 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Major Holidays we are open from 9 - 10 am for drop off and pick up only, no daycare available.

How will my dog be grouped during day care?

This is such an important element of your dog's time here. Since most of your dog's time is spent playing, we very carefully organize the groups to minimize stress and to provide a safe and nurturing environment. In our careful organization, our little dogs are never, ever grouped with the big dogs. This ensures the safety of all the canines! Not only the size but the temperament, age, plays style, and preference of your dog is also considered. Here at Smoky Dog Lodge, we prioritize the safety and happiness of your pet and grouping is a big part in that so we take it very seriously!

Can I tour the facility of the Smoky Dog Lodge beforehand?

We encourage you to visit the facility and see firsthand what kind of environment your pet will be in. The way our dogs get treated, the cleanliness of the kennels, and where they will get to play are just a few of the things that you will find and get to see on your tour.

How qualified are the employees at the Smoky Dog Lodge?

That peace of mind mentioned can further be established by learning about our qualified employees who care for your pet. We hire individuals that have a heart for animals and are true dog lovers. That is only the beginning because once hired, our employees go through a training program that covers health and safety along with group dynamics, dog stress, and their behavior. But the education doesn't stop there; we continue the education and test their knowledge throughout their time at the Smoky Dog Lodge. This ensures that your fur babies are getting the absolute best care possible!

Do you have information on Canine Cough & Bloat

We want to keep you informed especially when it comes to the health and wellness of your pups. Read below for 
information about Canine Cough and Bloat and how we take extra precautions to aid in their prevention.
Canine Cough
Canine Cough is unfortunately very common, it also spreads easily and can be contracted anywhere. Here at Smoky Dog Lodge we are extremely diligent to keep our facility clean and disinfected to prevent the spread of any disease, we also isolate any dogs that may be showing symptoms. Our facility is well ventilated and we have added UV lights in the heating and air ducts to help kill the disease. Your pets health and safety is our top priority.
Canine Cough can occur anywhere although it is more likely to be present where there are large groups of dogs, such as a pet care facility, dog shows, veterinary offices and pet stores. Much like the flu, Canine Cough often happens seasonally, generally during the summer and holidays. It can spread very quickly, and veterinarians often see an influx of dogs at the same time from every facility in the area. It is important to have your dog vaccinated and to not bring them around other dogs if they are exhibiting symptoms.
What is Canine Cough?
Canine Cough, also known as tracheobronchitis, is a highly contagious upper respiratory disease that occurs in canines. It is caused by Bordetellosis, (the most common infectious agent it spreads from), Parainfluenza, and Adenovirus agents which often transmit through the air, but can also spread via hands or clothing. The incubation period is usually 3-10 days and can last up to 3 weeks after first symptoms appear. Dogs with Canine Cough are more susceptible to secondary diseases due to weakened immune systems. Canine Cough can also be a more serious problem for puppies and geriatric dogs whose immune systems may already be lower.
  • Persistent Dry Hacking Cough
  • Sneezing
  • Nasal Discharge
  • Fever
Generally, the cough can be very annoying for the dog, but usually does not develop into anything more serious. In mild cases dogs often eat normal and remain active. In severe cases it can progress into loss of appetite, fever, pneumonia or lethargy.
There is no cure for canine cough, and it must run its course. Any dog displaying symptoms should see a veterinarian as soon as possible. Typically, mild cases are just treated with a week or two of rest. Often, Antibiotics can be prescribed to prevent secondary infections and cough suppressants may also be prescribed to reduce coughing. Home remedy treatments are not recommended.
Vaccinations are available for the Bordetella bacterium along with vaccinations for parainfluenza and adenovirus type 2 are also given routinely to help prevent canine cough. Dogs who are frequently boarded, visit dog daycare or exposed to large groups of dogs benefit from the vaccine. The Bordetella vaccine is initially given in two doses that are 2 - 4 weeks apart, then a booster is given every 6 months to a year. Veterinarians recommend the vaccination 5-7 days before taking your dog to a pet care facility. Please note vaccinations are not always 100% effective as there are many different strains of the virus and the vaccination is made up from only one of them.
Canine Bloat
What is Canine Bloat?
Gastric dilation-volvulus (GDV) and gastric torsion are commonly referred to as Bloat. It is a life threatening emergency that generally affects large deep chested dogs. It occurs when the stomach rapidly fills with gas which then enlarges and distorts creating acute swelling. When the stomach is unable to get rid of the gas it can twist on itself creating a volvulus. Both esophagus and intestines can become twisted shut. First signs of this may a dog becoming uncomfortable and begin to pace and salivate.
It is normally seen in large deep chested breeds such as Great Danes, Collies, Dobermans, German Shepherds or Boxes, but can occur in smaller breads such as Beagles and Bichons. It can also be an hereditary condition. Eating or drinking too fast along with exercise before a meal can be digested are all factors. Bloat also commonly occurs in older dogs between 7-12 years. A study from Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine found raising food bowls off the doubles the risk of bloat.
  • Vomiting
  • Dry heaves
  • Salivating
  • Restlessness
  • Distention and Swelling of Abdominal Cavity
An x-ray will be needed to confirm the diagnosis. A GDV case is very serious and must be attended to immediately for a successful outcome. GDV can cause a total collapse and the dog to go into shock which can cause death from the cardiac irregularities. There is 50% survival rate even with medical attention. Treatment for shock and stomach decompression will initially be started. This may done with passing a stomach tube, but sometimes surgery is the only option. Surgery does not always guarantee the best outcome, unfortunately some dogs do not recover after it. Your dog will be hospitalized for several days following surgery. If a dog survives a bloating episode with no corrective surgery they are considered high risk for another attack. Without "tacking" the stomach in place, a dog will most likely bloat again.
Prevention at Smoky Dog Lodge
Here at Smoky Dog Lodge, we take precautions to not overfeed or let pets drink an excessive amount of water at one time. Special observations can be taken for dogs with hereditary problems, be sure to let us know if your dog has any. We always ensure dogs are well rested before and after meals. Unfortunately, even with careful precautions and diligent observation, GDV may still occur. 

Dogs must be up to date on vaccinations. Dogs 6 months and older must be spayed and neutered, please call to discuss if your pet is not as we may be able to make accommodations. Dogs must be in overall good health and must be free of fleas, ticks and all communicable diseases. Dogs must not have stitches staples or an Elizabethan Collar. We do not accept dogs that are on a seizure or heart medication.


Required dog vaccines include Rabies, Canine Distemper (puppies must have 3 sets)/ Parvovirus/Parainfluenza, Bordetella which must be given 10 days prior to stay if it is the first dose your dog has received, and an accepted form of flea/tick medication. Required cat vaccines include Rabies and FVRCP.


Dogs must be friendly and not protective of food, toys or space. We take the safety of the pets in our care very seriously, so each dog will be evaluated on their first day to ensure that they are a good fit for our services.


Completed Registration Form on file prior to your dog’s first day of daycare or boarding and have a credit card on file.